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Welcome to "YTOLAN"
What we stand for
YTOLAN started in 2006 under the name of "EM Equus".
We are now several years later and having had plenty of interesting encounters and more experience I figured it was time for a change.
The purpose of Ytolan is to strive for the well being of the horse and, indirectly, of its rider, whether it's physically, mentally or energetically. Prevention is the prime concept of Ytolan.
You will not find a detailed list of degrees and diplomas but a huge drive to suggest soft, non invasive solutions, in total agreement with this noble animal, humanity and nature.
YTOLAN offers the following products and services
Owners who want to give their horses a natural and healthy diet should feed them as nature intended.”
Lavisano not only provides important fibre components, essential fatty acids and amino acids, it also has a very low carbohydrate content (approx. 15%).
Lavisano has high quality ingredients that provide the horse with the nutrients in the grasses and plants that wild horses originally ate.
Lavisano is a complete feed. It contains everything a horse needs for a healthy metabolism.
Lavisano can help to restore the intestine’s natural function of maintaining the right level of healthy intestinal flora. As a result, this natural diet can have a positive impact on health problems caused by a metabolic disorder
Lavisano is specially formulated as an ethological feed that genuinely deserves the epithet of “natural”.
ORDERS CAN BE PLACED BY MAIL - we accept a minimum order of 10 bags
Equibiome (EM)
The goal of stable management and natural pasture management is to improve soil fertility through the 'soil-plant-animal-manure' cycle approach. This will allow soils to produce roughage with a naturally balanced quantity of energy and minerals.
Quality roughage is a basic necessity for a healthy horse.
Effective microorganisms hold a key role in this system.
BEMER - Physical Vascular Therapy
Vitality, performance, health.
The importance of well-being becomes clear only when this well-being is being compromised. Bemer offers you an application that helps to maintain health and prevent diseases. Based on a proven, effective, multi-dimensional signal system it stimulates effectively limited or disturbed micro-circulation. This activates self-healing forces and supports important regulatory processes. Suitable for both horse and riderVERM-X
Verm - X is a 100% natural formula that controls all known internal parasites in a non invasive way, respecting the health of your horse and its digestive system. Verm-X does nothing new. Verm-X offers the possibility to use a product that is composed of natural ingredients which have proven their worth long before the chemical industry.
Sanacare focuses on the pH regulation by aiming for a balance in the acid-base housekeeping. Only a cell with a negative cell voltage is capable of cell metabolism. An acidified cell has a positive cell tension so which makes metabolic exchange impossible. This can lead to pain, osteoarthritis, skin irritations, liver failure, gastrointestinal problems etc ..
Only the Sana Basen concentrate with a pH of 11.5 -12 can enter an acidified cell. (Prof Neher and Prof Sakmann, Nobel Prize winners of Medicine 1991)
Tribute to Ormea
This website is dedicated to my care horse : Ormea, a trotter with a heart of gold